Fiction We Love

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Susan's Picks:

Atlas Shrugged,
by Ayn Rand

Eyes of a Child,
by Richard North Patterson

The Shadow of the Wind,
by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

The Inhabited Woman,
by Gioconda Belli

Summer of Fear,
by Lois Duncan

Ed's Picks:

And Then There Were None,
by Agatha Christie

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy,
by Douglas Adams

Pattern Recognition,
by William Gibson

The Grapes of Wrath,
by John Steinbeck

The Code of the Woosters,
by P.G. Wodehouse

Jenn's Picks:

Ender's Game,
by Orson Scott Card

by Louis Sachar

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon,
by Grace Lin

The Infernal Devices series,
by Cassandra Clare

One for the Murphys,
by Lynda Hunt

Dave's Picks:

The Count of Monte Cristo,
by Alexandre Dumas

To Kill A Mockingbird,
by Harper Lee

by Lorenzo Carcaterra

The Great Santini,
by Pat Conroy

The Summer Guest,
by Justin Cronin

Julie's Picks:

Briar Rose,
by Jane Yolen

In The Time of the Butterflies,
by Julia Alvarez

The Thirteenth Tale,
by Diane Setterfield

Tiger Eyes,
by Judy Blume

Wildwood Dancing,
by Juliet Marillier